How to prevent split ends in hair

How to prevent split ends?

Prevention is always better than a cure so let’s try to prevent split ends:

1.Whenever you go for swimming whether in a pool, ocean, or lake then try to protect the hairs by using swimming caps.

2.It is very important to find out the water you use to wash your hair is hard or soft. As water which contains chemicals or excess amount of chlorine is harmful.

3.Protect your hairs from sunrays. Whenever you go out in sun just put a hat or tie a cloth to avoid sunlight on your hairs.

4.Brush the hairs gently. Use a hair friendly comb and/or brush and also the hair friendly accessories. Never over brush. Use hair friendly accessories.

5.While buying a Hair conditioner always keep in mind to go for such a conditioner that contains sunscreen.

6.After washing your hairs dry hair gently. Don’t rub too much or don’t blow dry so much that it damages your hair.

7.Go for a shampoo that works best for you. Don’t compromise and don’t change the shampoo very often.

8.Always remember to use cold or normal water to wash your hair .Never use hot water to rinse your hair.

9.After hair wash allow your hair to dry then only brush/comb your hair. Never ever brush wet hair.

10.Regularly oil them or in case you don’t want to oil everyday then at least oil your hair once a week before washing hair. This will help in retaining moisture.

11.Drink a lot of water.